President's Message
Being Elected President of the Nebraska State Volunteer Firefighter's Association is a great honor, and I will make every effort to continue the work that we have already started and strive to find new ways to make us a stronger association. I would like to thank everyone for the support they have given me in the past and since I was elected. The Board is very strong and very willing to do anything that is needed to keep the NSVFA strong and supported throughout the state. We are always available for information from our State and National levels, we strive to get as much information out to our members as possible and will work to gain a vision for the entire community of volunteer firefighters across this great state. The Officers of this organization are here for you and will help you and your departments all we can. Stay safe and God Bless the volunteer.
Scott Schremmer
Nebraska State Volunteer Firefighters Association
Our Mission: To provide a unified voice for the fire and rescue services across the state, to provide advice and guidance pertaining to legislative issues, to encourage education and training within the fire/rescue service and to promote a communications network across the state.

Top ten reasons to join nsvfa
1. nebraska fire school discount
Members receive a substantial discount on the regions premier fire training event.
2. nebraska firefighter digital newspaper
Monthly updates on everything in Nebraska fire service.
3. Advocacy
NSVFA – and it’s lobbyist - is a strong voice in Lincoln for fire and EMS issues.
4. Events
NE Fire School, NSVFA Annual Conference, Fallen Firefighter Memorial Service and Firefighter Day at the Capitol and more.
5. Legal Counsel
Solid, experienced advice about legal issues that affect you and your department.
6. National Representation
Your voice is represented on the National Volunteer Fire Council.
7. Insurance
Accidental Death and Dismemberment AND Line of Duty Death Insurance provided FREE with your membership.
8. Communication
Current and accurate updates via our web site, e-mail, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
9. Discounts
ELAN Mastercards, Enterprise Rental and Columbia Southern University.
10. Partnerships
With the Fire Chiefs Association, the State Fire Marshall’s office, NEMSA, The Nebraska EMS Board, The Nebraska Response Caucus and more in addition to our full time office staff.