Constitution and By-Laws (Amended 10/21/23)



The name of this organization shall be THE NEBRASKA STATE VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION. (Amended 10/19/02)


The objectives of this organization shall be:

1)         To formulate and make known programs useful to the Fire/Emergency service of the State of Nebraska;

2)         To represent the interests of the State of Nebraska Fire/Emergency organizations in the Legislature of the State of Nebraska and with other agencies involved with the preservation of lives and property of the citizens of the State of Nebraska, thereby fostering good will and fellowship among the members of the Fire/Emergency services in the State of Nebraska.



SECTION 1.   This organization shall be non-discriminatory, non-sectarian, non-partisan, and nonprofit.

SECTION 2.   No part of the net earnings of this organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to its members, directors, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article TWO.



SECTION 1. Any Volunteer Fire Department or Company of any City, Town or Village or any Suburban Fire Protection District or Rural Fire Protection District, organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, or any Industrial Plant Fire Brigade in the State of Nebraska may become a member of this organization by making application to the Secretary/Treasurer of the organization and paying in advance the annual dues as established from time to time. Combination Departments that have paid personnel and Volunteer personnel may become members of this organization. (Amended 10/16/04)

SECTION 2. Any Volunteer Firefighter or paid firefighter who is a member of any such entities as listed in Article Four Section 1 and such entity is in good standing with this organization may become a member of this organization upon payment of annual dues for such individual membership as set from time to time. This individual member will receive a membership card and be entitled to all rights and privileges of this organization. (Amended 10/16/04)

SECTION 3. Any member of the Board of Directors of a Suburban Fire Protection District or Rural Fire Protection District whose District is in good standing with this organization may become a member of the organization upon payment of annual dues for such individual membership as set from time to time. The individual member will be issued a membership card and be entitled to all rights and privileges of this organization.

SECTION 4. Any past member of the Association who left his or her respective department in good standing, whether due to job transfer, illness, retirement, or other such circumstances, with less than twenty (20) years of membership with the Association, may apply for an “Associate Membership.” Such individuals will be required to pay dues as set by the Board of Directors from time to time. Associate Members will receive a membership card, a one-year subscription to the official Association monthly newspaper, access to attend the Annual Conference, and shall receive the membership discount if attending Fire School. Associate Members will not be eligible to seek elected office, vote on Association matters, nor serve as an appointed member on any committee.

SECTION 5. Any past member of the Association who left his or her respective department in good standing, whether due to job transfer, illness, retirement, or other such circumstances, with twenty (20) or more years of membership with the Association, may apply for an “Gold Badge Membership.” Such individuals will be required to pay dues as set by the Board of Directors from time to time. Gold Badge Members will receive a membership card, a one-year subscription to the official Association monthly newspaper, access to attend the Annual Conference, and shall receive the membership discount if attending Fire School. Gold Badge Members will not be eligible to seek elected office, but may vote on Association matters. Gold Badge Members are eligible for appointment to serve on a committee. (Amended 10/21/23)

SECTION 6. Any company with interest in fire prevention, firefighting or being in contact with fire departments for sale of fire equipment may become a guest member in this organization upon payment annually of a sum set from time to time payable in advance of the annual conference of this organization and shall be entitled to a guest card for one (1) of its members, but shall not be entitled to vote and shall not be entitled to participate in discussions of this organization.

SECTION 7. The annual dues established from time to time for those listed in Article Four Section 1 are due and payable July First (1st) of each calendar year. Failure to pay the annual dues established for those listed in Article Four Section 1 by August First (1st) of each calendar year will result in automatic suspension from the organization. However, any of those listed in Article Four Section 1 may be reinstated within one (1) year from the date of suspension upon payment of all dues in arrears since the time of suspension plus a reinstatement fee set from time to time and upon such payments will be reinstated as a member in good standing. (Amended 10/21/23)

SECTION 8. This organization shall have the power at its annual conference to elect such person or persons as honorary members as the organization may see fit and proper, and said honorary members shall be exempt from the payment of dues but shall have no rights or privileges of this organization unless specifically granted by this organization as if such person or persons were dues paying members.

SECTION 9. At the annual conference of this organization all members of this organization who have belonged to this organization for a period of twenty-five (25) or fifty (50) years shall be entitled to an award fitting for their years of service. (Amended 10/21/06)



SECTION 1. Dues for those desiring membership in this organization pursuant to ARTICLE FOUR SECTIONS 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 shall be set by the Board of Directors at its annual meeting and the same will take effect at the start of this organization’s fiscal year. (See History of Annual Dues filed in E Board Officer’s Policy Manual) (Amended 10/21/23)

SECTION 2. Guest membership fees for those desiring such membership pursuant to ARTICLE FOUR SECTION 6 shall be set by the Board of Directors at its annual meeting and the same will take effect at the start of this organization’s fiscal year. (Amended 10/21/23)

SECTION 3. The Board of Directors will present at the annual conference of this organization the proposed dues structure that will take effect at the start of this organization’s fiscal year with an explanation of the reasons for any increase in dues and with those qualified to attend the annual conference of this organization having the opportunity to comment and discuss any increase in dues contemplated by the Board of Directors of this organization.



SECTION 1.   The governing body of this organization shall be the Board of Directors, which shall be nominated, elected and constituted as described in these By-Laws.

SECTION 2.   The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers of this organization and four (4) District Directors.  Said District Directors shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive two (2) year terms on the Board of Directors in such Board of Directors capacity.  Two District Directors shall be elected each year with District Directors 1 and 3 elected in alternate years from District Directors 2 and 4.  Alternating terms of election will assist with maintaining continued experience and capability to transfer acquired knowledge between the four District Director positions.  District Directors shall represent the district of which their department is located, not of their residence.  (Amended 10/16/04 and 10/18/08 and 10/22/11)

SECTION 3.   A quorum for a meeting of the Board of Directors shall be five (5) of its eight (8) members. (Amended 10/16/04)

SECTION 4. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to fill vacancies within the Board and also that of the Directors of the National Volunteer Fire Council and to transact any and all necessary business of this organization between annual conferences.  If a member of the Board leaves their position following the annual conference, the member shall be replaced by the Board as stated above, with the exception of a member leaving three (3) months prior to the annual meeting, at which time, the Board will not act on a replacement, however, will seek nominations at the annual conference to fill the remainder of the term (if a year remains).  If the Director was in their last year of the term, standard election policies shall be followed. (Amended 10/16/21)

SECTION 5.   The Board of Directors shall meet on call by the President or any four (4) of the Board of Directors for the consideration of special matters between annual conferences of this organization. (Amended 10/16/04)

SECTION 6.   The Board of Directors will schedule and hold an annual meeting on the day prior to the first day of the annual conference of this organization and shall recess during the time of this organization’s annual conference and shall finish its annual meeting on the day after the final day of the annual conference of this organization. At this meeting, the Board of Directors may appoint a Chaplin, appoint Legal Counsel, appoint a Lobbyist, appoint a second Director to the National Volunteer Fire Council, and employ an Executive Director or hire a management firm, for the betterment of the organization and transact such business as may regularly come before it. (Amended 10/22/16)

SECTION 7.   The Board of Directors shall prepare the annual budget of this organization for the next succeeding year following the annual conference of this organization.  The budget will be published in the official publication of this organization within one hundred twenty days (120) of the annual conference. (Amended 10/18/08 removing Nebraska Smoke Eater as “official publication”).

SECTION 8.  Any reference to the Board of Directors and  / or the Executive Board shall be considered to one and the same reference within this organization.



SECTION 1.   The fiscal year shall commence on the 1st day of July and shall end on the last day of the following June.

SECTION 2.   The Secretary/Treasurer shall make a full annual report to the Board of Directors at its annual meeting.  The Secretary/Treasurer will prepare a summary annual report to be presented at the annual conference of this organization held the third (3rd) week of October of each year.

SECTION 3.   The Board of Directors will secure an independent review of the financial records by a competent accountant or auditor within thirty (30) days after the close of the Fiscal Year.  The independent reviewer will report to the Board of directors at its annual meeting.

SECTION 4.   All disbursement of funds greater than $300 and any expense report for the continuation of the NSVFA business are to be signed by two (2) of the four officers (President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President or Secretary/Treasurer). The E-Board will allow the management association to disburse funds for less than $300 as required.  Any funds disbursed by the management association shall be approved at the next E-Board meeting.  (This new section # 4 approved by vote 10/20/18 at Annual Conference.)



SECTION 1.   The Officers of this organization shall be:

First (1st) Vice President;
Second (2nd) Vice President;

SECTION 2.   Section 2. The term of the Officers being elected shall be one (1) year; Officers shall include the President, First {1st) Vice President, and Second (2nd} Vice President. The Office of Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected to a term of three (3) years.

SECTION 3.   No elected Officer of this Association, nor shall the appointed delegate to the National Volunteer Fire Council serve in any other elected position within this Association. If elected into a second position, this Officer must submit their resignation to the office of which they currently hold prior to accepting their new position. Once their resignation has been approved, their replacement will be appointed by the Board of Directors as prescribed in ARTICLE SIX -BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 4.




The President shall be the principal officer of the Board of Directors and shall:

(a) Preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and conferences of this organization;

(b) Appoint Standing Committees as provided in the Bylaws of this organization;

(c) Form Special Committees and appoint Special Committee Chairpersons with the consent of the Board of Directors;

(d) Serve as ex-officio member of all Committees;

(e) Serve as liaison between the various organizations associated with Fire/Emergency services in the State of Nebraska and elsewhere, the Standing Committees, and Special Committees;

(f) Bring to the attention of the Board of Directors of this organization all pertinent information pertaining to this organization;

(g) The President co-signs checks as needed for the continuation of NSVFA business. All Checks for disbursement of funds greater than $300 and any expense report of the organization are to be signed by (2) of the four officers (President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President or Secretary/Treasurer). The E-Board will allow the management association to disburse funds for less than $300 as required. Any funds disbursed by the management association shall be approved at the next E-Board meeting. per Article 7, Section 4 added 10/22/11. (Amended 10/20/18)

(h) Co-sign all awards and certificates; and,

(i) Shall perform such duties customary to such office.


The First (1st) Vice-President shall:

(a) Perform all duties of the President in the absence of the President;

(b) In conjunction with the President, work with Standing Committees and Special Committees but not be a member of any Standing Committees EXCEPT the Education and Fire School Committee, and shall not be an Area Representative;

(c) Organize and insure continued membership in this organization within the State of Nebraska. The First (1st) Vice-President shall act as the direct contact for the District Directors and their appointed Area Representatives. A report of such activities for membership and membership growth shall be given by the First (1st) Vice-President at the annual conference of this organization; (Amended 10/18/08)

(d) Shall perform such duties as customary for such office.

(e) The 1st Vice-President co-signs checks as needed for the continuation of NSVFA business. All Checks for disbursement of funds greater than $300 and any expense report of the organization are to be signed by (2) of the four officers (President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President or Secretary/Treasurer) The E-Board will allow the management association to disburse funds for less than $300 as required. Any funds disbursed by the management association shall be approved at the next E-Board meeting. per Article 7, Section 4 added 10/22/11. (Amended 10/20/18)


The Second (2nd) Vice-President shall:

(a) Perform all duties of the President in the absence of the President and in the absence of the First (1st) Vice President;

(b) Survey the members of this organization at least ninety (90) days prior to this organization’s annual conference to determine areas of concern of its members, to determine the needs of the members and the needs of this organization, and to determine goals for this organization. This report will be presented at the annual conference of this organization; and,

(c) In conjunction with the President and First (1st) Vice-President, work with Standing Committees, Special Committees, and Area Representatives but not be a member of any Standing Committee and not be an Area Representative EXCEPT, the Second (2nd) Vice-President shall be a member of the Education and Fire School Committee.

(d) The 2st Vice-President co-signs checks as needed for the continuation of NSVFA business. All Checks for disbursement of funds greater than $300 and any expense report of the organization are to be signed by (2) of the four officers (President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President or Secretary/Treasurer). The E-Board will allow the management association to disburse funds for less than $300 as required. Any funds disbursed by the management association shall be approved at the next E-Board meeting. per Article 7, Section 4 added 10/22/11. (Amended 10/20/18)


The Secretary/Treasurer shall:

(a) Take and record accurate minutes of the proceedings of all conferences of this organization and meetings of its Board of Directors, and shall present them for approval at the following conference or meeting;

(b) Provide all record, files, letters of value to the Office of the Executive Director / management firm, to be place with all other official records of the this association.

(c) Assist the President with the correspondence of this organization;

(d) Have charge of all monies of this organization and shall report thereon at all meetings of the Board of Directors;

(e) Secure all invoices and vouchers submitted from the Office of the Executive Director / Management fire for payment.

(f) Pay all bills of this organization as directed and/or approved by the Board of Directors of this organization;

(g) The Secretary - Treasurer co-signs checks as needed for the continuation of NSVFA business. All Checks for disbursement of funds greater than $300 and any expense report of the organization are to be signed by (2) of the four officers (President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President or Secretary/Treasurer). The E-Board will allow the management association to disburse funds for less than $300 as required. Any funds disbursed by the management association shall be approved at the next E-Board meeting. per Article 7, Section 4 added 10/22/11. (Amended 10/20/18)

(h) Keep an itemized record, in a permanent file, of all receipts and expenditures and shall make a true inventory of the property of this organization;

(i) Give an annual report in writing of the finances of this organization at the end of the fiscal year for presentation to its Board of Directors at their annual meeting and for presentation to the organization’s annual conference;

(j) Deliver to the succeeding Secretary / Treasurer within thirty (30) days of the expiration of term of office all books, records, and papers relating to this office;

(k) File a surety bond in favor of this organization in an amount to be fixed by the Board of Directors of this organization. The bond premium will be paid by this organization; and,

(l) Work closely with the Office of the Executive Director and or management firm, to furnish for elections a complete list of those members of this organization who have paid their dues and who are entitled to a seat at the organization s annual conference no later than 9:00 P.M. of the day before the annual conference of this organization.


The District Directors shall:

(a) Report to the NSVFA First-Vice President.

(b) Be responsible for all Area Representatives in their area which shall include appointment and filling of vacancies of Area Representatives in their respective District areas and assurance of effective and timely communications to the Area Representatives in their area. Email is an effective tool of communication and it will be necessary for every Area Representative appointed to have a working email address.

(c) Coordinate and insure NSVFA representation at as many fire/rescue meetings in their area as possible.

(d) Attend NSVFA Executive Board meetings and help set policy for the NSVFA.

(e) Attend Area Representative semi-annual meeting at the Nebraska Fire School.

(f) Be in full compliance with their responsibilities per the NSVFA Constitution and By-Laws, Article Six- Board of Directors.

(g) Shall attend annual conference and present a report to the membership.

(h) District Directors shall be eligible to serve on any of the Association’s committees and have the same authority as any other committee member. District Directors may also serve as mentors on any committee as approved by the Board of Directors. If serving as a mentor, and not a member to a committee, District Directors shall not be eligible to vote on such committee matters


The position of the Executive Director of the NSVFA shall be an employee / and or management fire, hired by the Board of Directors of this organizations from which time the directors feel the need for such a position is warranted. The said director / management firm, shall report directly to the Board of Directors of the NSVFA. The director / management firm, shall take direction from the President of NSVFA and be a non-voting member of this organizations Board of Directors.

The director / management firm shall:

(a) Manager the day to day business of the NSVFA.

(b) Manager office staff and hire an Administrative Assistant if deemed necessary (of which will require the approval of the Board of Directors).

(c) Set office policies and procedures with the approval of the Board of Directors.

(d) Maintain financial management of the association (i.e.) receipts and disbursements. (Forward payment of bills to the office of the Secretary / Treasurer, make deposits, control payroll, payroll taxes, membership receipts and the management of grant monies of which the organization may have from time to time). All payments of bill and vouchers shall be done by the Secretary / Treasurer.

(e) Help develop and adhere to a budget.

(f) Keep an open line of communication between the office and the Board of Directors of the NSVFA, and work closely on all NSVFA matter with this associations President.

(g) Attend Board of Directors meetings and provide them with an Executive Directors / management firm report.

(h) Attend Fire School committee meetings and may need to attehdn other NSVFA Committee meetings as deemed necessary.

(i) Attend major events of this Association of which will include the Legislative Breakfast, Nebraska State Fire School, Nebraska Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service, Annual Conference and any other majo events of which the Board of Directors may deem necessary.

(j) Assist with the development of the organizations goals, the strategic planning of the Association, the education of it’s membership and the recruitment and retainment of our membership.

(k) Maintain all official records and documents of this Association.

(l) Promote the Nebraska State Volunteer Firefighters Association.




(a)        At the annual conference of this organization, prior to the installation of Officers, the President-elect shall appoint the committees herein listed, however, no Fire/Emergency service shall have more than a total of four (4) persons serving on the committees, with the exception of the Area Representatives who are appointed by the 1st Vice-President of this organization. (Amended 10/19/02)

(b)       The following will be the Standing Committees:

I.          Legislative Committee, which shall consist of five (5) members. (Amended 10/18/08 from 3 to 5 members)

II.        Fire Prevention Committee shall consist of no less than five (5) and no more than eight (8) members. (Amended 10/21/23)

III.       Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules Committee, which shall consist of three (3) members.

IV.       Education and Fire School Committee, which shall consist of eight (8) selected members of the organization’s members in good standing, and the First (1st) Vice-President and Second (2nd) Vice-President of this organization and the President of this organization, neither of whom shall serve as chairperson.

(c)        The President of this organization shall name the chairperson of each Committee.  Each member shall serve one (1) year or until their successor is appointed.  Each Committee member shall be a member of this organization in good standing at the time of appointment, guest members are not included.

(d)       Each Standing Committee chairperson shall be responsible for preparing a written report of the Chairperson’s Standing Committee’s activities to the Board of Directors of this organization and the membership of this organization at their annual conference.

(e)        Members appointed to serve on Association committees, shall serve on no more than two (2) committees.

(f)        No more than one (1) department member shall serve on the same committee.



It shall be the duty of the Legislative Committee to monitor activities of the Nebraska Unicameral and the Governor of the State of Nebraska and actively lobby for legislation which is for the betterment of this organization as directed by the President and the Board of Directors of this organization.  This Committee shall report their activities at the annual conference of this organization and may do so through this organization’s lobbyist.


It shall be the duty of the Fire Prevention Committee to conduct and direct fire prevention programs and activities as deemed necessary and appropriate.  (Amended 10/21/06)



It shall be the duty of the Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules Committee to report in writing on the first (1st) day of the annual conference of this organization such amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws and Rules as may in its judgment seem proper and such amendments shall be submitted as per ARTICLE SEVENTEEN of these Bylaws. (Amended 10/19/02)



The Education and Fire School Committees shall:

(a)        Direct all Fire Schools sponsored by this organization;

(b)       Secure and obtain personnel and equipment deemed necessary for the conduct of all Fire Schools of this organization;

(c)        Select and appoint a Fire School Planning Committee composed of representatives from sponsoring agencies.

(d)       Call all Committee conferences at such times and places as the Committee may deem necessary for Fire School purposes.  The expenses of such conferences shall be paid from a Special Fire School Fund.

(e)        The Secretary/Treasurer of this organization is delegated to receive all monies contributed to or belonging to the Special Fire School Fund and disburse said funds under the authority of this Committee.

(f)        It shall have the authority to collect or cause to be collected all monies for educational and Fire School purposes and all monies so collected shall be placed in a Special Fire School Fund.  A proposed budget will be submitted to the Board of Directors for publication by February 1 of the fiscal year.  The committee shall expend and supervise the expenditure of money from said fund for Fire School purposes.



This organization’s Directors to the National Volunteer Fire Council will consist of one being an elected position for a four (4) year term, with the election as other Officers of this organization are elected, and the second being appointed by the Board of Directors for a four (4) year term. The current elected Director’s term shall be extended to be a four (4) year term. The appointment of second Director to the National Volunteer Fire Council shall occur two (2) years following the next election of the elected director, with elections or appointments continuing every two (2) years thereafter. Each such Director shall serve in an equal status. (Amended 10/21/23)


To qualify as a Director to the National Volunteer Fire Council, the candidate must fall within the respective guidelines as prescribed by the National Volunteer Fire Council Board of Directors and the NSVFA which shall include:

  • An active member of the NSVFA in good standing

  • Must have been a member, or currently serving on a NSVFA committee.

  • An active member of a volunteer or paid-on-call firefighter with 5 or more years of service: or

  • A chief officer of a volunteer, paid-on-call, or combination fire department: or

  • A volunteer or paid-on-call EMS provider with 5 or more years of service. (Amended 10/16/21)



SECTION 1.   The election of Officers shall be done at the annual conference of the organization separately by ballot. District Director positions shall meet the same qualifications as per all candidates for office.  However, their elected terms shall be that of two (2) years and their positions will be determined by the voting members within their own districts, which follow county lines (see district map).  Names being considered for District Director shall be nominated by the general membership, including those within the Past President’s District.  The successful candidate must receive a plurality of the total vote cast for the particular office.  Each successful candidate for office shall hold office for one (1) year or until their successor is elected and qualified.  Only members of this organization in good standing shall be eligible to hold an elective office and who have been a member of this organization for at least five (5) consecutive fiscal years of this organization.  Guest members are not eligible for elective office. The election of the Director of the National Volunteer Fire Council will be every three (3) years and will be subject to the foregoing conditions for election and conditions of holding office applicable and consistent with a three (3) year term. (Amended 10/16/04 and 10/22/11 and 10/19/13)

SECTION 2.   To qualify as an elector to vote for elective Officers, amendments to the Constitution or Bylaws of this organization, or to vote on any matter before this organization, one must be a member in good starting of this organization as provided in Article FOUR SECTIONS 1, 2, 3, and 4 of these Bylaws. (Amended 10/19/02)



SECTION 1.   There is created a FIRE HOUSE OF DELEGATES to be in session during the organization’s annual conference.  This FIRE HOUSE OF DELEGATES is created for the purpose of discussing matters of policy and general welfare of this organization and to suggest changes for the annual conference of this organization to act upon.  At the FIRE HOUSE OF DELEGATES the roll will be called and only designated delegates and alternates will be seated and recognized.  The First (1st) Vice-President shall act as presiding Officer.  The designated Delegate and the designated Delegate’s Alternate may be both seated with just one (1) vote per entity being allowed on each issue brought before the FIRE HOUSE OF DELEGATES.  The Delegate and Alternate must be members of this organization in good standing and registered for the annual conference of this organization.  Each entity designated in ARTICLE FOUR SECTION 1 being a member in good standing of this organization may be represented at the conferences of the FIRE HOUSE OF DELEGATES by its said Delegate or Alternate Delegate selected by such entity.  The Delegate and Alternate Delegate may be the Chief, Assistant Chief, Officers or active member of the said entity who is also a member in good standing of this organization and registered for the annual conference of this organization.

SECTION 2.   The Secretary of the entities listed in ARTICLE FOUR SECTION 1 of these Bylaws on or before October 1 of this organization’s fiscal year, shall notify the Secretary/Treasurer of this organization of the name of the Delegate and Alternate Delegate to sit in the FIRE HOUSE OF DELEGATES.   No Delegate or Alternate Delegate shall be entitled to represent said entity unless the name of said Delegate or Alternate Delegate has been sent to the Secretary/Treasurer of this organization as provided herein.



SECTION 1.   There is created an EMS HOUSE OF DELEGATES to be in session during the organization’s annual conference.  This EMS HOUSE OF DELEGATES is created for the purpose of discussing matters of policy and general welfare of this organization as it relates to EMS (Emergency

Medical Services) and to suggest changes for the annual conference of this organization to act upon.  At the EMS HOUSE OF DELEGATES the roll will be called and only designated delegates and alternates will be seated and recognized.  The Second (2nd) Vice-President shall act as presiding Officer.  The designated Delegate and the designated Delegate’s Alternate may be both seated with just one (1) vote per entity being allowed on each issue brought before the EMS HOUSE OF DELEGATES.  The Delegate and Alternate must be members of this organization in good standing and registered for the annual conference of this organization.  Each entity designated in ARTICLE FOUR SECTION 1 being a member in good standing of this organization may be represented at the conferences of the EMS HOUSE OF DELEGATES through its said Delegate or Alternate Delegate selected by such entity.  The Delegate and Alternate Delegate may be the Chief, Assistant Chief, Officers or active member of the said entity who is also a member in good standing of this organization and registered for the annual conference of this organization.

SECTION 2.   The Secretary of the entities listed in ARTICLE FOUR SECTION 1 of these Bylaws on or before October 1 of this organization’s fiscal year, shall notify the Secretary/Treasurer of this organization of the name of the Delegate and Alternate Delegate to sit in the EMS HOUSE OF DELEGATES session.  No Delegate or Alternate Delegate shall be entitled to represent said entity unless the name of said Delegate or Alternate Delegate has been sent to the Secretary/Treasurer of this organization as provided herein.



SECTION 1. Any member of this organization in good standing, EXCEPT Associate Members who have registered for the annual conference of this organization, shall be entitled to a vote at the annual conference of this organization. (Amended 10/21/23)

SECTION 2. All dues for membership in this organization shall be paid to the Secretary/Treasurer of this organization. The Secretary/Treasurer of this organization shall certify to the annual conference of this organization the names of those who have paid their dues and are in good standing.

SECTION 3. The annual conference of this organization shall be held during the third (3rd) week of October of the fiscal year of this organization at such place as voted on by the membership of this organization, unless changed by order of the Board of Directors of this organization to such place as the Board of Directors may designate. Only current members, as per Article 4; Section 1, are qualified to bid for the annual conference. They must do so by submitting a written letter to notify the Secretary of this Association of their intentions, no later than July 15th of the fiscal year of this organization. The Board of Directors must approve of the department, or departments requesting to be host/s before their names can be placed on the ballot. In the event, no qualified bids have come forward by the July 15th date, the Board of Directors may exercise their rights as to approach qualified member departments, in search of a host. The annual conference of this organization will be called to order at 10:00 o’clock A.M. of the first day of said annual conference and will remain in session from day to day until the business of this organization is completed. In case of emergency, the Board of Directors may dispense with the annual conference of this organization, but in such event shall call in lieu thereof a special meeting of the Board of Directors and such others as the President and Board of Directors may deem advisable. (Amended 10/19/02 and Amended 10/22/05)

SECTION 4. A quorum, except for the Special Meeting in lieu of an annual conference stated in Section 3 herein, shall be thirty (30) members in good standing of this organization and registered for the said annual conference.

SECTION 5. The President of this organization shall be the presiding officer of the annual conference and shall preserve order and decorum; all questions of order shall be directed by the President, SUBJECT to an appeal to this organization.

SECTION 6. ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER shall govern all deliberations of this organization not otherwise provided for herein.

SECTION 7. The words “VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS” as used in these Bylaws shall mean those firefighters who volunteer their time to the performance of their duties as firefighter or emergency medical services (EMS) personnel.

SECTION 8. Any Officer or Board of Directors member who shall cease to be an active volunteer firefighter during the term of office shall relinquish the Office and the position shall be filled by appointment of the Board of Directors, unless otherwise covered by these Bylaws.


SECTION 1.   The registration fees for the Annual Conference shall be set by the Board of Directors.  (Amended 10/22/11)


SECTION 1: Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by the Board of Directors or the Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules Committee. The Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules Committee, being a committee under the authority of the Executive Board, and appointed by the President, shall present any proposed Constitution or Bylaw amendments for review to Association Legal Counsel. Legal Counsel shall approve the form of the such proposed amendments or revise the language of such proposed amendments, and forward the proposed amendments to the Executive Board for review. Any such proposed amendments shall be presented to the Executive Board no later than the scheduled Executive Board meeting held during Fire School for review and approval to the membership. All proposed changes will be reviewed and either approved or rejected by the Executive Board. District directors will be given an opportunity to discuss and present any proposed Constitution or Bylaw amendments with the members of their respective districts. District Directors may provide comments from membership to the Executive Board, Legal Counsel, and Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules Committee for consideration prior to final presentation to the membership of the Association at the Annual Conference. (Amended 10/21/23)

SECTION 2: All proposed amendments shall be published in the Association’s official publication at least sixty (60) days prior to the annual conference they are to be voted upon. (Amended 10/19/13)

SECTION 3: Amendment to these Bylaws requires a two-thirds (2/3rds) majority vote of the members in good standing, voting at this organizations annual conference. Proposed Bylaw amendments may be further amended from the floor so long as such primary and secondary amendments do not exceed the scope of the notice of such proposed Bylaw amendments. Approved amendments will become effective November 1st of the year they are voted upon. (Amended 10/19/02, 10/19/13, & 10/21/23)



The annual conference of this organization shall be called at 10:00 o’clock A.M. of the first day designated for such conference, or such other time as the Executive Board shall determine. After appropriate opening, the order of business shall be as follows:

1. Call to Order
2. Presentation of Credentials
3. Reading of the Minutes of the previous Annual Conference
4. Reports of Officers and Committees
5. Unfinished Business
6. Election of Officers
7. Report of the Death of Members of this organization
8. Miscellaneous Business
9. Good of this organization
10. Adjournment